My Blog

My Hero’s Journey to Tucson

My Hero’s Journey to Tucson

As I reflect on my journey to Tucson, Arizona, I am reminded of Joseph Campbell’s profound insights into the Hero’s Journey—a narrative template that resonates deeply with my own experiences. In this article, I will share the intricacies of my personal odyssey through the lens of Campbell’s framework, drawing parallels to the archetypal stages of transformation, which can be simplified in 3 stages and insights from Jung’s emphasis on introspection, self-discovery, and the transformative power of exploring the depths of one’s psyche.

Birding in Tucson: A Symphony of Feathers and Nature’s Wonders

Birding in Tucson: A Symphony of Feathers and Nature’s Wonders

Nestled in the heart of the Sonoran Desert, Tucson stands as a haven for birding enthusiasts from around the globe. The region’s unique blend of ecosystems, ranging from desert landscapes to lush mountainous terrains, creates a diverse habitat that attracts a rich array of bird species.

When to Go Stargazing in Tucson: A Celestial Journey

When to Go Stargazing in Tucson: A Celestial Journey

Tucson, a mecca for stargazers and astrophotographers, boasts the darkest skies of any city its size in the country, making it an ideal destination for celestial enthusiasts. As a member of the International Dark-Sky Association, Tucson’s commitment to preserving its pristine night skies is evident.

"A timeless, poignant and esoteric journey into the heart of Tucson, and oneself."


student of University of Arizona

"With gentle curiosity, this young Czech visitor has opened the hearts of some of Tucson’s most admired, diverse, and cherished personalities to generously pour out their stories. Theirwords—and hers—express Tucson’s off-the-wall combo of diversity, like a verbal Tucson Meet Yourself celebration!"

-Martha Ames Burgess

herbalist and artist